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Viva Los Nachos, Why Must You Take It Away From Me

Vonchiefer Update: Added a picture. R.I.P the phrase ‘Viva Los Nachos’


Today is a sad day my friends, I shall show you what happens when you type ”Viva Los Nachos” on Club Penguin;


I would post an actual picture, but the truth is too sad. The answer is nothing, the iconic phase ”Viva Los Nachos” has been trapped in the slimy clutches of the CP filters. This is truly a sad day, and will forever become a day of Nacho Mourning, the day  Disney decided to destroy one of our favourite tactics, a tactic revered just as much as the legendary ‘war faces’.

Now, allow us to remember our dear friend.

Viva Los Nachos.

~Chrisi Blule

6 Responses

  1. Proverbs 17:17 says that, “Friends stick together through all kinds of weather; and that families stick together in all kinds of trouble.”

    The best way that I can describe my friend Viva Los Nachos is as a friend that would stick by in any weather; he is the type of friend that would stand in a storm, with rain pouring down on his head, holding an umbrella, calmly and carefully, to make sure that my own head did not get wet.

    He would ride through a blizzard, to pick me up, if my car had driven through a ditch; in fact, He did do this for me on more than one occasion. He was much more to me than a friend, he was someone that I would consider my family. When times got tough, and troubles hailed all around, the first person I could rely on to be there was Viva Los Nachos.

    Throughout life there are friends that would come and go, but he was always there. It was almost as if he had a sixth sense about me. Sometimes I would be sitting in the middle of the night, feeling blue, solitary and alone, and the next morning I would wake up and find an email from him, asking me how I was feeling. That is just the type of connection that he had to me.

    Viva Los Nachos and I spent over 5 years together, having the kind of friendship that most people only dream of. We went through financial gains and losses together, enjoyed the births of our children together, and the weddings of our children. He was a wonderful person, the first to contribute a kind word of thanks, or word of wisdom when one was called for. He wasn’t the type of person to call attention to himself, unless he felt it would help alleviate tension in a room where tension or stress was building.

    He also had a remarkable sense of humor, and quick wit, which I found refreshing, as my own sense of humor is somewhat dulled.

    I met Viva Los Nachos in primary school, he would be the perfect distraction I would need from school work. Yet he was full of surprises. Him and I paired up to start a non-profit together shortly after finishing primary school, and have been working together since, providing community outreach programs for agencies during the daytime, and spending our free time causing trouble whenever we can. The Nacho way

    Vivs Los Nachos will be sorely missed by all of us who loved him, and appreciated his commitment and dedication to giving time, devotion, and a sincere appreciation for people regardless of how long he knew them. He was a genuine person that gave not because he had to, but because he wanted to. Thank you Viva Los Nachos, for being such a good friend, with an abundance of love and generosity.

  2. Viva Los Nachos will be forever missed



  4. He served us well, and now it is his time for him to leave us. May the world never forget “Viva Los Nachos” He is now in a better place bragging about his times used at war to the rest of our friends who gave their lives to the hands of the evil clubpenguin filter.

    He deserved the life we have given him,
    May he Rest In Kill

    RIP “Viva Los Nachos!” 2007~2014
    you will be missed

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