• Welcome

    Welcome to the Nachos! We were one of the most powerful and legendary armies in all of Club Penguin. Known for our fun and enjoyable atmosphere, we're always having a good time! Due to Club Penguin shutting down, the army is mostly inactive. However, our older members tend to keep in touch using discord. You can join using the following link.
    ~Nacho Leaders

  • Follow Nacho Army of Club Penguin on WordPress.com
  • Recent Comments

    Anonymous on My last take
    subz11 on My last take
    Anonymous on S-S-Sneeze
    wasper on Patrol
    Maguro on Retirement of Dan101
  • Site Stats

    • 2,144,347 Nachos (Old site = 1.3 million)
  • Recent Posts

  • Welcome

    View the complete list of our achievements and awards by clicking HERE.

    Notable Tournament Championships

    Legends Cup I, Christmas Chaos I, March Madness I, March Madness II, Champions Cup IV, March Madness IV, Legends Cup VIII




 Welcome to the Nacho Army!


Want to join Club Penguin’s greatest army? Keep reading to find out how!

Nacho Army Join Application:

Join the Nachos by filling out the form below. After that, read the rest of the page for further instruction.


After you have joined, you will be added to the to our Ranks Page soon!  You won’t be added immediately after you leave the join comment, so please be patient!  If you aren’t added to the Ranks within 24 hours, feel free to leave a comment on our site, or to contact a leader on Nacho Chat. Click >>HERE<< to check out the Ranks!


Next Steps:

  • Join us in our next battle on Club Penguin! Mark your calendars and try to make it! Check out our battle schedule by clicking HERE.

  •  Read our Beginner’s Guide for the best information about the basics of the Nachos from battling to ranking up in the army! Check out that page by clicking HERE.

  •  Check our Time Zones page in order to understand how to find what time an event is for you, if you don’t know! Check out that page by clicking HERE.

  •  Check our uniform to know what you have to wear at our events! It’s important to wear one of our uniforms or at least red/orange clothes so we can count you as a Nacho! Check out that page by clicking HERE.

  • Visit Nacho Chat, our command headquarters, directly below! There, you will meet your fellow Nacho Soldiers and Leaders. It is definitely the place to make new friends here at the Nachos! The penguins on Nacho Chat would be glad to assist you in any way, especially if you have a question about us.  Make yourself at home and enjoy chatting!


Below is our official Chat Room.

(You will receive battle commands from this chat room, and when we aren’t on Club Penguin, we love to hang out here!)


45 Responses

  1. Welcome to the Nacho Army, everyone 😀 .

  2. thanks

  3. after i fill a form am i a member?

  4. Cool! I’ve never been in an army before

  5. I red I was member

  6. hat is your Club Penguin Username?ISHICOOL

    Will you try to attend our next battle on Club Penguin(be at xat.com/NachosHQ for battle)?Yes.I will
    What country or region do you live in?In mauritius
    Have you ever been into another Army? If so, what Army and what rank?No

    Do you promise to remain active and never betray us?Of course

  7. so do i get a member ship now?

  8. Hi there sorry if you got a lot of comments from FeatherBird. My real country is Mexico I just have fast typing and when I said I am from Asia I just said that because I am going there soon. Anyway cant wait to join and remember the real one is FeatherBird with Mexico not mexicao or Asia.

  9. Joined! Hope to get a membership soon!

  10. ok i hope im able to join

  11. i want enter

  12. I’ve joined and I was wondering Do we have to wear that nacho army stuff and if so where do we purchase those items in club penguin.

  13. What is your Club Penguin Username?
    Snow Thro

    Will you try to attend our next battle on Club Penguin

    What country or region do you live in? (US, UK, Australian, etc.)
    new zealand

    Have you ever been into another Army? If so, what Army and what rank?
    Do you promise to remain active and never betray us?
    Submit »

  14. I’m having trouble with joining

  15. i love nachoz!!!!

  16. hi

  17. I joined!

  18. am i a member on club penguin with no pay requried

  19. What is your Club Penguin Username? ketchuppp
    Have you ever been into another Army? If so, what Army and what rank? No
    Do you promise to remain active and never betray us? Yes

  20. can i be a cp member

  21. Did you add me yet?
    Mines is babygirl642


  23. What is your Club Penguin Username?: Bujzsv

    Will you try to attend our next battle on Club Penguin(be at xat.com/NachosHQ for battle)?: Of course

    What country or region do you live in? (US, UK, Australian, etc.): UK

    Have you ever been into another Army? If so, what Army and what rank?: Nope

    Do you promise to remain active and never betray us?: I do

  24. I hope I will get in the army 🙂

  25. Joined.

  26. i gotta wait for 24 hours


  28. joined and filled out form, Erinw6 is my user

  29. I’ve waited MORE than 24 hours (actually 72 hours/3 days) and I still don’t see me on the Ranks page.

  30. Hello

  31. ITs been 24 HRS y i havent i been added to the ranks!!!! OR I WILL quit and join acp :(((((((

  32. What is your Club Penguin Username? = Stellanbob (not that it matters.)

    Will you try to attend our next battle on Club Penguin(be at xat.com/NachosHQ for battle)? = I did, my Nachos account got banned by a clueless idiot.

    What country or region do you live in? (US, UK, Australian, etc.) = US

    Have you ever been into another Army? If so, what Army and what rank? A long time ago, I was part of the EliteNavyPenguins, and was a co-leader and soon the leader of the whole army

    Do you promise to remain active and never betray us? = Yeah, I have nothing better to do, CP is gone but the Nachos haven’t. There’s always CP Island but I’ve tried the game and I think it sucks.

  33. is this army still alive

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