• Welcome

    Welcome to the Nachos! We were one of the most powerful and legendary armies in all of Club Penguin. Known for our fun and enjoyable atmosphere, we're always having a good time! Due to Club Penguin shutting down, the army is mostly inactive. However, our older members tend to keep in touch using discord. You can join using the following link.
    ~Nacho Leaders

  • Follow Nacho Army of Club Penguin on WordPress.com
  • Recent Comments

    Anonymous on My last take
    subz11 on My last take
    Anonymous on S-S-Sneeze
    wasper on Patrol
    Maguro on Retirement of Dan101
  • Site Stats

    • 2,144,358 Nachos (Old site = 1.3 million)
  • Recent Posts

  • Welcome

    View the complete list of our achievements and awards by clicking HERE.

    Notable Tournament Championships

    Legends Cup I, Christmas Chaos I, March Madness I, March Madness II, Champions Cup IV, March Madness IV, Legends Cup VIII



Funny Pictures

This is a page of all the funny moments that we have shared together in the Nachos!  Whether it was on Nacho Chat or Club Penguin, those captured moments can be remembered here!  If you have a funny moment that you want share, just a leave a comment on this page with a link to the picture!  Enjoy! 😀

From Boomer, but still funny :mrgreen:

ACp is anti cpMysnailisepic






39 Responses

  1. I am so desperate, I have had to revert to a virtual girlfriend


    I didn’t really find her that pretty at all, she just looks like a homeless woman with cancer.

  2. gustos victoria como el queso nacho

  3. Oh my gosh i love Rockhopper’s reaction to the Nacho army! XD

  4. Who knows thinknoodles?

  5. we need more picturesssszzzzzzzzzzzzssssssssssssszszss.

  6. i have my websites had a lot of nice and awesome pictures
    check it now

  7. wow
    Ilove the nachos

  8. Me three 🙂

  9. Me four

  10. http://prntscr.com/1ghc4p Picture taken by Selena 😀

  11. man i lov nachos

  12. hahahahahahahah

  13. i like the video of the guy who tried being cool by putting on the glasses really quick like in MIB but he failed and poked his eye!!!!!!! 😀

  14. lol

  15. i like basically everything here

  16. Whoa, Rockhopper knows about the Nachos?

  17. so damn lame.
    But it was funny too

  18. i enjoyed it

  19. I know they were never uploaded here but who had these type pics? I just found this one on google images http://tanman626.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/11111111111111111111.png

  20. When I saw the shark I started laughing like crazy. It is SO funny.

  21. the king by the kid is really creepy

  22. LOL. These are so funny. The ones I like the most was rockhopper and the anti-war army. Like this comment if you agree!

  23. We more of these there very funny

  24. I was just going through some posts, please can this be added https://nachoarmy.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/vl7kjzg.png it’s hilarious

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