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    Welcome to the Nachos! We were one of the most powerful and legendary armies in all of Club Penguin. Known for our fun and enjoyable atmosphere, we're always having a good time! Due to Club Penguin shutting down, the army is mostly inactive. However, our older members tend to keep in touch using discord. You can join using the following link.
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DCP multilogging again? And again? And again?!

Hey, Nachos!

I bet you’re honestly getting sick of these posts about “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH ZOMG MULTILOG!iueebig4f!!!!!!!” but over observation of the last few events, not much has changed. I guess Club Penguin Army Central honestly doesn’t care and will just keep letting DCP multilog. I myself am getting sick of all this multi logging talk, but I have more penguins. Of course they all have VERY low amounts of stamps, NO Pins, easily accessible items, and of course, they’re not on the ranks.

Now, Maybe these penguins are being used by the DCP ownership as main penguins. For example, A Nacho soldier, 28 Luis, had his original penguin, 28 Luis banned forever. He uses “Mr Wattles” now. I know one of the penguins I found was “Cool ranch7” and apparently that is the main penguin that the DCP leader, Mustapha10 uses.

But, if you look at DCP events, the ownership has penguins named after them (32 op, Eridos, etc.), so it’s highly unlikely the ownership is using all of these penguins as “main” penguins. During our event on Hypothermia today, my friends Agent233 and 28luis scouted the DCP chat and club penguin looking for penguins of the crappy criteria for multilogging (Low Stamps, No pins, Really new, free non member items, not on the ranks, etc.) and we came across a couple more.

But, Agent did see this picture on the main chat of DCP during the event.



Now DCP will cry and complain how this picture was faked and all that jazz, but it’s just a HIGH coincidence that this happend.

Now for the penguins.

Who would be named “Gu Gu Pengu” ? Nobody in DCP has come forward to claim this account and this “penguin” is not listed on the ranks. Nor is he listed in the recent join comments. And, Gu Gu Pengu, at least the real one has been gone for nearly a decade(Holy crap right xD).

You get it by now…. Same bullshit.

CPAC probably won’t do jackshit and will probably just make a useless report about it.

Keep updated on events!
