• Welcome

    Welcome to the Nachos! We were one of the most powerful and legendary armies in all of Club Penguin. Known for our fun and enjoyable atmosphere, we're always having a good time! Due to Club Penguin shutting down, the army is mostly inactive. However, our older members tend to keep in touch using discord. You can join using the following link.
    ~Nacho Leaders

  • Follow Nacho Army of Club Penguin on WordPress.com
  • Recent Comments

    Anonymous on My last take
    subz11 on My last take
    Anonymous on S-S-Sneeze
    wasper on Patrol
    Maguro on Retirement of Dan101
  • Site Stats

    • 2,144,886 Nachos (Old site = 1.3 million)
  • Recent Posts

  • Welcome

    View the complete list of our achievements and awards by clicking HERE.

    Notable Tournament Championships

    Legends Cup I, Christmas Chaos I, March Madness I, March Madness II, Champions Cup IV, March Madness IV, Legends Cup VIII



Viva Los Nachos

Authors, feel free to add your piece to this post as well.

As I sit here, minutes after the closure of a place I called home for many years, I am not quite sure how to feel.

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We die together

At 12:01 PST the Club Penguin servers were closed on us forever. This is the record of the final hour of Club Penguin armies.

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My last take

I really don’t expect anyone to read this post on October 8th, 2019, but I thought I’d rant for the f*** of it. It’s come to my attention that the Army of Club Penguin has returned to do absolutely nothing on some knockoff version of the original game. Now I was apart of this game from 2010-2013, 2015-2017, and I have zero regrets in my time here. I met a lot of cool people and I had a lot of fun. I’m 19 now, and while I’m long done with penguin circlejerking, I see how people younger than me could still enjoy it.

But, I personally draw the line at some point. Most of the “Club Penguin” armies died when Club Penguin itself shut its doors. I was a proponent of keeping armies around as long as the game was. But the game died…. and a small minority of people are still circlejerking on CP. I think the current armies still around are EGCP, the Templars, ACP, RPF, and Lord 26 year old incel Pain’s glorious Shadow Troops? I mean look at that list, its f****** atrocious. The worst part is, all these dudes barely even fight each other on the jank ass Private servers they play on. They literally sit in circle jerks and make emotes. I just don’t get it man.

Anyway, enough with the ranting. Heres some waxing, poetic bullshit that I feel needs to be addressed. CP armies in my eyes are deceased. We all had a great time, we learned about ourselves, and most importantly we had fun. Let a good thing stay in the past, and stop trying to  bring back a dying game within a dying game. It will never be what it was. The player base isn’t growing and it never will. It’s like everyone trying to reboot an ancient beloved movie series or making a sequel that doesn’t belong. I can’t put this any kinder, but please **** off.

The Nacho Army will never return. RPF’s like a walking onion article and ACP coming back is a huge mistake; it’s only going to taint the legacy so many kids were able to build up over the years. I mean look at RPF, it’s not even kids playing anymore. It’s straight pedos or like 23 year olds I shit you not.

We don’t march to the beat of the drums, we hear maracas. We’re not coming back, and this site will continue to remain a memorial. A special thanks to whoever put up Halloween gfx after all our old ones vanished in thin air.

Rest in peace to the toughest and chillest group of penguin-snotty-squeaky children individuals ever assembled.

All Hail Nachonnia!

Well that’s my two cents. Hope everyone’s doing well.





Update: The link is working again. Viva Los Nachos

What’s up Nachos,

I (B Batman3, the former Nacho Leader Guy) am writing to former Nachos, former Nacho sympathizers who thought we were badass, and anybody else who comes upon this post!

For some time now Club Penguin (and the Nacho Army) has been dead. When the original game went down, most of the armies apart of that original game went down with it (except RPF, they’re fucking gay). Originally, the plan was for the Nacho xat to continue thriving with it’s take no prisoners-don’t give a fuck about anything-you can get away with murder attitude. Things don’t usually go as planned, and after a major disagreement with two different factions of Nacho vets, the xat chat went caput.

With most of the people who frequented the Nacho xat unhappy with the current post Club Penguin establishment, we made the jump to discord (along with the rest of the remnants of the community).

***Note, xat was solely populated by cp army ppl and it’s literally like 5 ppl on a pokemon chat now***

In our jump to discord, many were left behind. We have a selective, active discord geared for the older, Nacho-UMA-anybody edgy who we like crowd called TGHFAG . 

Due to the selectivity of TGHFAG, I understand why many former Nachos (specifically the newer generation of Nachos from 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017) wouldn’t stick around. Most other armies have attempted (and mostly failed) to make a community discord based around their old army.

Seeing some of the comments on the site, Fluffy9404 (brief Nacho Leader guy, former 2ic) and I have decided to make a discord solely for Nachos and anyone else who feels like joining. The discord is controlled in full by Fluffy and I.

The discord will embody the culture of the Nacho chat. Basically what I mean by that is it’s a complete free for all. Talk about whatever you want, do whatever you want, I don’t care.

*************Here’s the invite link*************



If there’s any issues with the link, you can always contact me or Fluffy on discord for a valid invite. My discord name is ‘kev#7982’ and Fluffy’s discord name is ‘fuffee#1768’

In other news, I will be attempting to update the Nacho website. Since we have a good number of Nacho Hall of Famers, Nacho SHOULD be Hall of Famers, and other Nacho vets around, I will be working on finishing the Hall of Fame, filling in the gaps of the history page, and trying to secure a buttfuck of pictures (to the best of my ability) so this can be a nicer memorial site than it already is.
Also, if there’s some way (there probly isn’t), I’m going to try to actually fill in the archives of the Nachos which are missing. But, it’s probly impossible.
I’d also like to applaud Person1233 for continuing to pay for the Nacho Domain.
Well, I guess that’s it. There’s nothing else to really post on.
Hanging up my sombrero again,
***The Nacho Leader Guy***

Rest in Power

As the site administrator, it’s my obligation to ensure the maintenance of the Nacho Army’s resting place. However, as I have not been active in the army in some time, I think it would be more appropriate for me to follow the plans of those who are active. I will respect this plan and implement it to the best of my abilities.

To the memory of the great Nacho Army of Club Penguin,


The Retirement of Fluffy9404


For those who don’t know me, my name’s Fluffy 9404. I wasn’t planning on making this post anytime soon, but as you all know, Club Penguin is shutting down. I decided my retirement post would be best used as a way to tell my story. I’ll try to be brief.

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Final messages-Retirement posts from various Nachos

Hey there! In what could be one of the final posts of Mr great poster Legofan Cy, I’m gonna post the messages that some kind Nachos submitted during the final days of CP. Continue reading to view them please!

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Retirement Post Submissions

Continue reading to submit a retirement post.

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The End

Hola Nachos

Well, its finally here….the end. Its been a crazy ride with all of you, Im glad I came back one year ago to enjoy the final days of Club Penguin with you all. In my time here I’ve seen people grow with the army and some that fell from it, I just want you to know that each and everyone of you has impacted me somehow in my time here, from Legends to Former Leaders and finally the troops I commanded. Its a pleasure serving with you all. And deep down I will miss you all. Go live a great life!

I will NOT make a list because there are too many of youYou will know if I like you or not.

To the Leaders that I served: Thank you for welcoming me back to the Army after such a long leave. I will admit, I must of bugged the hell out of you guys by asking the “noob questions” but hey, I had to relearn everything and I thank you for putting up with that. Also Thank you for teaching me how to be a good leader, I never thought I would come this far but I did, thanks to your hard work and leadership.

To the Legends: Like I said above thank you for giving me the chance to come back and prove myself as one of the final leaders of this army. When I came back I wondered how the Legends and vets would treat me, It was a rocky start but in the end I’m glad I earned your trust and loyalty. And also thank you for YOUR service in the Nacho Army, without your hard work none of this would of been possible so thank you.

To all my Co Leaders and My Troops: First off, it has been a WILD ride with all of you, in my 6 months as leader I saw all the ups and downs. I’ve seen coups take place and I have seen people rise and lead this army into greatness once more. It has been a honor serving with all of you, I have learned so much as my time as leader because of you. I am thankful you guys gave me the chance and trust to lead you through Wars and Tournaments. Some turned out great and some turned out horribly. I like to think in my time as leader I made the Nacho Army great somehow, I dont know what it is maybe one of you know. Anyways thank you for everything and I will miss you all.

Contact Info: If you want to stay in touch I will leave my kik below. And then we will see how it goes from there.

Kik: ConnoNacho

When I joined in 09, I loved the Nacho Army and what it was all about, and I can honestly say I have never been in another army except Nachos. I lived and died under the Nacho Flag with a great many of you. I will miss all of you and I hope you keep this army close to your hearts because there will never be another one like it. Dont be sad about the closure of Club Penguin or The Nacho Army, think of it has a new chapter in your life, learn and grow from all the experiences from your time here. BE PROUD TO CALL YOURSELF A NACHO

Well Everyone, This is the end…I bid you all a very fond farewell…

Long Live The Nacho Army….VIVA LOS NACHOS

– Conno11 Final Nacho Leader



Nachos Take, Burn, and Pillage Breeze from ACP || The Final Event

This was it, the final event. We successfully captured Breeze from the best enemies this game has offered, the ACP. When our army finally dies in a few hours we can go out knowing that we ended with the upper-hand.

We logged in at 10pm EST, and were treated to a chat, that was not only completely filled, but overflowing with veterans of the Nacho Army from throughout our entire history. We began in the dojo, the room that once embodied all that CP warfare was, before heading to the pool. During this period we perhaps achieved around 40+ and a superb quality of tactics. After once again dominating the pool we performed the ancient ritual of streaking throughout the server, which eventually led to the boiler room. Once there we showed our love and affection for each other, to reinforce the bond that has kept us together for over 10 years now. And finally, the last room we pillaged was the iceberg, which through our unity we successfully tipped.

Capturing Breeze from our biggest rivals in our final event shows perhaps everything that it means to be a Nacho. We are the army that was committed to being bold, unorthodox and fearless. Throughout our history we have taken on every challenge thrown at us and we have achieved all the goals that we have set. We are indeed the most legendary army.

I would like to thank everyone who came. You have made this event memorable for all who attended, and I hope when you inevitably reminisce over this community that you remember this last event. The event where we finally showed the ACP and the rest of this community once and for all that we are the greatest army to exist.

Though it must be said, thank you ACP, you were a close second to us and we would could not have had a better army to face off against so many times. I am glad that we have went out together.

I also wish to thank everyone that we have had the opportunity to meet over the years. If you have been a Nacho at any point in our history then this event was for you. This was in memory of everything that we have done over the years, whether it be the wars, the tournaments, or even the hilarious moments on chat. You have all helped to create this memory, and it will last a lifetime.

I guess there is one last thing.

Comment if you made it!


The Nacho Army


For more pictures click ‘Continue Reading’

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