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Addressing The Bot Accusations

Greetings Nachos & The Army Community

❗ UPDATE(1:17 EST) ❗ A picture has been turned in to Nachos of an RPF troop involved with bot activity:

-Regarding The Bots on Alaska-

Recently the Rebel Penguin Federation released a post accusing Nachos of using bots. This has brought alot of speculation to the community. I am here as a current advisor of the Nachos to say that no high ranking officer in the army is in control of these so called “bots” recruiting. Once we find out the culprit behind this he/she will be fired and banned from the army immediately. The Nachos are a historic army that has always viewed bots as a nuisance & illegal.

-Regarding The Qwerty Situation-

RPF claims that Nachos sent Qwerty tell force an RPF troop to say “RPF CONTROLS THE BOTS!” This is the most ridiculous accusation I have ever heard. Qwerty has been in so many armies throughout his career. On the top of my head I remembered him as an ACP mod at one point recently so I went to ACP chat and ran into a good friend of his. He informed me that Qwerty has actually led RPF 3 times.

-Regarding The Gamerboy24 Situation-

RPF then continued to make a ludacris claim(with no proof whatsoever) that the Nachos were behind the large group of bots recently crashing armies events. Yeah, the Nachos totally raided their own events multiple times. If I am correct, I believe that the Nachos have gotten raided more than any other army by this group of bots.

Before anybody says “They could have raided themselves to look innocent!” let me just point out that out of the 5-6 events the Nachos have had this week, every single one has been raided by these bots. Maybe if it were 1-2 events this week that claim may be correct, but definitely not every event.

Gamerboy is apparently the one behind this group of bots, considering I have never heard his name before I am going to assume that he newer to armies and probably still a bit of a n00b. He probably is doing this for some sort of fun by himself, I do not believe that there is a single army behind all of this. Situations like this pop up quite often and die down fairly quickly. Once these bots are banned, the user will eventually give up and we can all continue with our lives.

-Regarding the AFK Nachos/AR Troops on RPF Chat-

This accusation is the best of all. RPF claim that since a Nacho owner & AR owner are on RPF chat during the bot raid, that it is automatically them. OBviously right now Nachos & RPF are at hostile relations. Nachos are going to have eyes on RPF chat just in case RPF raid a Nacho server(which they have all week).

Yeah if I were Ads, I’d probably be ranting on RPF as well. Considering RPF is constantly raiding Nacho servers, stealing recruits, accusing Nachos of bots, and starting a big ordeal that should not have ever happened. I believe Ads has every right to rant about RPF.


In a last effort attempt to save themselves, RPF makes a propaganda post framing Nachos for the bots when it obviously was not the Nachos.

~Stay Cheezy

19 Responses

  1. […] Read about the Nachos response to RPF’s bot accusations HERE […]

  2. Who cares about bots? Years ago EVERYONE used them, it’s not like anyone’s using them in wars to make themselves larger.

  3. Dang. Really sorry that it’s come to this. I’ve seen both sides of the argument, and I understand how you guys and the RPF feel. Most of the RPF is confused as to what is happening and are just following orders. I’m terribly sorry about what the RPF has done to you guys.

    I’m an RPF member myself and I’d just like to say that I hope we can find the time to talk about this and make peace one day. This has happened too quickly, and rowdy members from both armies (mostly RPF) have caused this fight to break out

    Good luck to both armies if the fight commences


  4. First off, I’d like to point out that the person in the photo probably didn’t mean it that way, considering the fact the RPF have been actively trying to search for the person responsible.

    Second off, this whole thing is ridiculous. It’s obvious neither of you are using bots, however the RPF’s and the Nacho’s behavior makes them appear suspicious.

    And I get that Elm is being cocky and disrespectful, and frankly, he should stop. Just as you guys should stop running around saying don’t join the RPF because they use bots when you have absolutely no proof whatsoever.

  5. I didn’t think RPF would be the kind of army to continue to accuse and berate an army of using bots, without ample evidence. To say I am disappointed in my first ever army would be an understatement.

    • And of course, let’s not forget that Commando seems to be a good coder, and I’m fairly certain that a few other RPF vets are most likely good coders as well, so it would not be surprising if they had made the bots themselves. Not to mention that RPF are the kind of army that enjoy orchestrating events to suit their own gains. [See COBRA; http://usrpfcongress101.wordpress.com/ ]

  6. something tells me that it is just a random guy trying to make waves between peaceful armies.

  7. Im not in RPF, im against them, but now because of this, get ready for all month bot raid.

  8. Didn’t something like this happen last summer? Or do I remember it wrong.

  9. http://prntscr.com/17wc1u all RPF should die

  10. RPF is with stupid.

  11. […] Nachos ownership eventually responded to the claims, as Tanman626 denied all accusations made against […]

  12. RPF = North Korea Elmikey= Kim Jong Un

  13. […] Nachos ownership eventually responded to the claims, as Tanman626 denied all accusations made against […]

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