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    Welcome to the Nachos! We were one of the most powerful and legendary armies in all of Club Penguin. Known for our fun and enjoyable atmosphere, we're always having a good time! Due to Club Penguin shutting down, the army is mostly inactive. However, our older members tend to keep in touch using discord. You can join using the following link.
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RPF Raided

Hola Nachos!

Earlier this morning, I announced that we would have an event at short notice today.  I usually don’t like scheduling events at such late notice for everyone, but I had a feeling it would turn out just fine! 😉  It was announced that we would be raiding either ACP, RPF, or WV later in the day and that you guys would get to pick which lucky army got to be raided!  With an astounding 176 votes in total, you guys decided that we should raid the RPF!  With some heated tensions already with RPF heading into the raid, we stormed onto Tuxedo immediately outnumbering the RPF.  We ended up maxing somewhere between 30-35 during the raid, but we could have had even more if the entire chat logged on!  Just for future reference, you can’t go AFK during the battle or not get on!  We need you on, and it’s only for 30 minutes!  In the end, we still did very well, so great job, Nachos! 😀

Thanks to everyone who came! Let’s keep the fun going! 😀


8 15

Huge chat size!

2 3

4 5

RPF uses bots which attacked us in multiple rooms….


Read more for more pics!

8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17

We don’t march to the beat of drums, we hear maracas!


Nacho Leader

24 Responses

  1. I made it

  2. I made it! 😀

  3. I made it, as usual. LOL I now know how to raid AND battle, though there isn’t much of a difference. LOL

  4. I was there!

  5. I made it

  6. I made it.

  7. I said I would be there but I had to attend to something durring the event! Why is it that I always have to do something durring a raid? :\

  8. I made it!

  9. The person that did the bots was kicked out of the RPF, we don’t use bots guys.

  10. Great fun!

  11. i came

  12. I made this event. However could you please freeze my rank until further notice. This is because my parents making me quit. Puck can you reply so I know you’ve read this.

  13. I came! 😀

  14. I was there

  15. i like the last pic!

  16. omg im in the bottom left of the pic close up to the bots:):):P:P!!!!!!

  17. I made it!


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