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    Welcome to the Nachos! We were one of the most powerful and legendary armies in all of Club Penguin. Known for our fun and enjoyable atmosphere, we're always having a good time! Due to Club Penguin shutting down, the army is mostly inactive. However, our older members tend to keep in touch using discord. You can join using the following link.
    ~Nacho Leaders

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MAC #9[Monthly Active Count] *ALL READ*




Note to every current Enlist: If you don’t comment, you will be removed from the Ranks; but if you comment, you will be promoted to Private!

Hola Nachos! Welcome to our monthly line of active count, called MAC[Monthly Active Count(not Macintosh xD )]. It’s basically a way to see who is active and who is not, in order to plan ahead for the promotions at the end of the month! All you have to do is to copy the form below, fill in and comment it on this active count. Very simple right? Here’s the form:

What’s your club Penguin Username?

What Rank are you?

In a scale of 1-10, how active are you?

That’s all! You may comment from today until January the 1st.


Lego’s Fact of the day: Did you know that one of the best Nachos to ever lead our army, Puckley, is the co-creator of the well known army news site, CP Army Central? 😮


~Mess with the best, die like the rest~

Legofan Cy~Nachos Cat

26 Responses

  1. Example comment:
    What’s your club Penguin Username? Legofan Cy.
    What Rank are you? Field Marshall.
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 8.

  2. What’s your club Penguin Username? Blueysib6
    What Rank are you? Field Marshal (2ic)

    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you?

    I spend an average of 8 hours a day with the Nacho Army. There are 24 hours in a day and 8 / 24 = 0.33333333333. That would be out of 1 so out for out of 10, 0.33333333333 x 10 = 3.3333333333. Therefore, the answer is 3.3333333333.

    Although, no one else is going to answer the question the correct way like I did so my answer will sound very bad. To make it look better compared to everyone else’s incorrect answers, I will multiply it by 3. 3.3333333333 x 3 = 9.9999999999.

    The answer to the question is 9.9999999999.

  3. 1.my username is josefinuchi
    2. My rank is enlist
    3.and in scale of 1-10 ,I am active 7 porcent

  4. Whats your Club Penguin username? Delfi2000
    What rank are you? Brigaider general
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 8

  5. What’s your club Penguin Username?

    What Rank are you?
    Field Marshal (2ic)

    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you?

  6. Whats your club penguin username? James 50
    what rank are you? Major
    on a scale off 1-10 how active are you? 8

  7. What’s your club Penguin Username?

    What Rank are you?
    Brig. General

    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you?
    This week I’ve been very inactive lately. So i’d say 5 but now that the holidays are done I’m gonna try to get back to at least an 8

  8. Max43810

  9. What’s your club Penguin Username? Verum
    What Rank are you? Chancellor
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 9

  10. What’s your club Penguin Username? General Rek
    What Rank are you? Private First Class
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you? This month I have only just joined, but I should be around 7 or 8 out of 10.

  11. What’s your club Penguin Username? 95 Spider
    What Rank are you? Lieutenant General
    In a scale of 1-10,how active are you? On the average week 8-8.5

  12. Name: Thomas83514
    Rank: 4ic (Lieutenant General)
    Active: 99%

  13. username:pakusch112
    rank:bridgler genreal
    active: 10

  14. What’s your club Penguin Username?Spider Girl5
    What Rank are you?Enlist
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you? About a 5

  15. What’s your club Penguin Username? Nylam123
    What Rank are you? Major General
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you? I would say about a 5….

  16. Blueychaz

    • Oops what I meant to say was:
      To be honest I’ve been quite lazy this month so I’d say 2. But if you look at that like how Blueysib’s calculated hers then it doesn’t seem so bad.

  17. What’s your club Penguin Username?
    What Rank are you?
    Grand General
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you?
    5ish 6ish

  18. What’s your club Penguin Username? Bosss3
    What Rank are you? Mod?
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 7

  19. What’s your club Penguin Username?Justinzigzag
    What Rank are you? Enlist
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 10

  20. Redduck35
    Viceroy of the Nachonnian Empire, 3ic

  21. What’s your club Penguin Username? APPLE6683.
    What Rank are you? Lieutenant General.
    In a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 7-8, and in the 28th of December, I couldn’t attend, because i had test in Thursday.

  22. Arureadindis 4ic Leiutenant general.
    9.9 active but not last 2 days went to hospital.

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