• Welcome

    Welcome to the Nachos! We were one of the most powerful and legendary armies in all of Club Penguin. Known for our fun and enjoyable atmosphere, we're always having a good time! Due to Club Penguin shutting down, the army is mostly inactive. However, our older members tend to keep in touch using discord. You can join using the following link.
    ~Nacho Leaders

  • Follow Nacho Army of Club Penguin on WordPress.com
  • Recent Comments

    Anonymous on My last take
    subz11 on My last take
    Anonymous on S-S-Sneeze
    wasper on Patrol
    Maguro on Retirement of Dan101
  • Site Stats

    • 2,144,886 Nachos (Old site = 1.3 million)
  • Recent Posts

  • Welcome

    View the complete list of our achievements and awards by clicking HERE.

    Notable Tournament Championships

    Legends Cup I, Christmas Chaos I, March Madness I, March Madness II, Champions Cup IV, March Madness IV, Legends Cup VIII




Update: The link is working again. Viva Los Nachos

What’s up Nachos,

I (B Batman3, the former Nacho Leader Guy) am writing to former Nachos, former Nacho sympathizers who thought we were badass, and anybody else who comes upon this post!

For some time now Club Penguin (and the Nacho Army) has been dead. When the original game went down, most of the armies apart of that original game went down with it (except RPF, they’re fucking gay). Originally, the plan was for the Nacho xat to continue thriving with it’s take no prisoners-don’t give a fuck about anything-you can get away with murder attitude. Things don’t usually go as planned, and after a major disagreement with two different factions of Nacho vets, the xat chat went caput.

With most of the people who frequented the Nacho xat unhappy with the current post Club Penguin establishment, we made the jump to discord (along with the rest of the remnants of the community).

***Note, xat was solely populated by cp army ppl and it’s literally like 5 ppl on a pokemon chat now***

In our jump to discord, many were left behind. We have a selective, active discord geared for the older, Nacho-UMA-anybody edgy who we like crowd called TGHFAG . 

Due to the selectivity of TGHFAG, I understand why many former Nachos (specifically the newer generation of Nachos from 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017) wouldn’t stick around. Most other armies have attempted (and mostly failed) to make a community discord based around their old army.

Seeing some of the comments on the site, Fluffy9404 (brief Nacho Leader guy, former 2ic) and I have decided to make a discord solely for Nachos and anyone else who feels like joining. The discord is controlled in full by Fluffy and I.

The discord will embody the culture of the Nacho chat. Basically what I mean by that is it’s a complete free for all. Talk about whatever you want, do whatever you want, I don’t care.

*************Here’s the invite link*************



If there’s any issues with the link, you can always contact me or Fluffy on discord for a valid invite. My discord name is ‘kev#7982’ and Fluffy’s discord name is ‘fuffee#1768’

In other news, I will be attempting to update the Nacho website. Since we have a good number of Nacho Hall of Famers, Nacho SHOULD be Hall of Famers, and other Nacho vets around, I will be working on finishing the Hall of Fame, filling in the gaps of the history page, and trying to secure a buttfuck of pictures (to the best of my ability) so this can be a nicer memorial site than it already is.
Also, if there’s some way (there probly isn’t), I’m going to try to actually fill in the archives of the Nachos which are missing. But, it’s probly impossible.
I’d also like to applaud Person1233 for continuing to pay for the Nacho Domain.
Well, I guess that’s it. There’s nothing else to really post on.
Hanging up my sombrero again,
***The Nacho Leader Guy***

The Retirement of Fluffy9404


For those who don’t know me, my name’s Fluffy 9404. I wasn’t planning on making this post anytime soon, but as you all know, Club Penguin is shutting down. I decided my retirement post would be best used as a way to tell my story. I’ll try to be brief.

Continue reading



Over these past few months, the Nacho Army has had it’s troubles. After I made Snickers/Lego leader in August 2016, I told Snickers/Lego under every condition to not give  the rank of leader. Unfortunately, Snickers gave ( ( ( him) ) ) leader and that was the demise of him and Lego. Steve was inaugurated as leader following the coup, and sometime later Conno/Hazie were made leaders. The army continued under this leadership for months, and it’s received lots of opposition. The Army has maintained a consistent 15+, but other things shadowed the army which have harmed our reputation.

From this point forward, Longway1 is hereby demoted to 3ic and Dan101 will be inaugurated as the new leader.

Personally, dumbass, you’ve pissed me off quite a bit. But I salute you mentally for your dedication to the Nacho Army and everything you’ve done for it. You’ve been faced with tough decisions, and you handled them in the best way that you could. I would really like to see you stay as a 3ic and maybe even eventually one day earn back the title of leader. After receiving constant pressure from people within the army, this had to be done though.


dumbass is to be treated no different than any other owner, and will receive all benefits of a former leader if he chooses to leave the army.  will be remembered as a former leader, and fully possesses the ability to earn back his position, but by means of fair play rather than a coup. Conno11 will remain a leader alongside Dan101, and the rest of the ownership will not be altered for the time being.

The war with RPF will continue, and they will receive their fifth ass beating fiesta from the Nacho Army.

Hopefully we can continue to function as a group, and hopefully we can all strive to achieve our common goal,

What’s best for the Nacho Army.

I hope this message receives you well, and I really hope can continue to serve the army with the same passion and loyalty as he did before.

Please have a very Merry Christmas Nachos, and please show RPF no mercy.

